You Are The Instrument,
The Alexander Technique Program

Do chronic pain and anxiety keep getting
in the way of your art making and performing?


The You Are The Instrument, Alexander Technique Program is a 6 month program designed to teach you the fundamental concepts of the Alexander Technique, or Mindful Movement, so that you connect with yourself, your breath and your body on a consistent basis to experience greater ease and authenticity. Learn key ideas behind “good posture”, or greater balance, and have them applied to your individual physical and mental habits. Alleviate neck and back pain as well as stress by learning how to sense over effort and muscular tension and release this through your awareness and purposeful, or conscious thinking. Gain tips and tools to better flow with the systems of modern living such as computers, sitting, etc which often pull on both your body and mind. Finally learn how embodying key aspects of your anatomy and movement can greatly reduce chronic back pain as well as improve your breath and overall energy for more joyful, connected performing and practicing.


  • 9 private Alexander Technique lessons to help you understand your physical and mental habits and how to move through the world with less force, more ease and improved posture and overall balance

  • 3 sound recordings to practice expanding your awareness and good movement mechanics

  • 3 videos explaining primary ideas behind the Alexander Technique in accessible ways for greater embodiment of Mindful Movement in your everyday life

  • Regular access to Tuning In, the music accountability and Embodied Artist practice workshop, an online music accountability & support group - Mondays at 11a Est 

  • Access to the Embodied Artist Facebook group for tips, tools and other resources related to creating a sustainable life as an artist

  • Access to the new Tuning In Facebook group for support and accountability with vocal exercises/training, movement awareness and artistic goals. This is also a space to connect, question and encourage other artists and singers like yourself who are seeking to create a balanced life with their art, health and creativity.

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“I loved what Pyeng taught me about"less efforting" when singing.
That felt like such an important piece of wisdom to carry with me through life!”



  • You are ready to commit to better understanding your physical and mental habits

  • You are open to slowing down to go deeper in your movement and playing goals

  • You bring a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm to your learning process.