Do you ever feel like a miniature version of yourself is whispering ideas in your ear...or from deep inside of you? If you do, I get it! I feel the same way. To be honest most of the time I don't even feel like I can keep up with the creative ideas that come to me in a week! But there are a few ideas that continue to come to me so I know they are the ones I truly need to listen to.
Years ago when I was a college student at Oberlin I remember feeling this way about music and dance. I was always zig zagging between the two looking for a way to integrate them with the kind of healthy technique that would allow me to write my own brand of authentic music. And then more recently I had this idea to make an album about natural hair and this summer it became a reality!! So trust me your voice is worth listening to.
Whether your voice is calling you to start performing, recording an EP of your own originals or Jazz covers, writing a musical or your own lyrics, I support you! I also wonder along with that dream is there a part of you that just knows your voice is not up to snuff? You know you need your voice
to be in shape so you can deliver your music, writing, video, spoken word, etc in the best way.
to be strong and open so you can figure out how to translate what it is that you are imagining/hearing in your head.
This is really part of what calls me to mentor and teach voice technique and performance coaching. One of the things that is closest to my heart is being able to offer students of all backgrounds and experience a sacred place for you and your voice.
I know that it is overwhelming and a little bit terrifying too trying to figure out what steps to take to realize your music and performance goals but it really is possible. Your voice calling you is a reminder, as cliche as it sounds, that your voice truly matters.
In 2019 I am going to be offering several voice programs that will give you and your voice the time, tools and care to develop with strength, confidence and consistency. To find out more, send a message here