Embracing Loneliness Through Music

Well, the snow is snowing and the wind is blowing and music is always music-ing. But sometimes the stillness of winter can get a little lonely. Whether you’re a professional musician or not, there’s a lot of the process to learning and making music that often has to happen alone. You work to improve your vocal tone, learn specific scales, compose new music, learn new songs, write lyrics, record, listen to edits, draft your unique message to promote your work, and a lot of it happens by yourself. For some people this can be quite peaceful if you enjoy solitude but for others it might be a bit anxiety producing, lonely or even depressing at times.

When you’re in the midst of completing that special project and it’s taking a long time to get to the finish line, you might get really frustrated. It’s easy to get in your head with art making which is why finding and creating an aligned community can be sooo valuable!

Life gets lonely for everyone sometimes. It’s just a fact so I don’t know that loneliness can be defeated or even needs to be. But I know that people need people and people also need music. So why not put the two together? Use your music to help embrace the loneliness of living. For those times when your mind starts spiraling and you’re getting conflicting messages about the value of what you’re doing, it’s a good time find some like minded folks to enjoy music with. 

So this week I hope you grab the opportunity to liberate your voice in community on Wednesday, January 8, at 4:30pm EST. I will be offering my first virtual vocal warm-up, Vocal Gym, of 2025! Make sure to sign up for a series of 3 to 5 of these at once so that you don’t wind up falling into a stressed out ball of loneliness with little way out. Carve some communal music making time into your calendar to look forward to instead.


Creating A Voice Ritual For The Season